Sunday, November 15, 2015

the burniversary

a year ago tonite, our lives changed in the blink of the night... some days it seems like it was a long time ago and others it seems like just yesterday...

 what a strange trip it has been...

to everyone that has been a part of this journey, we thank you and are forever grateful as we would not be where we are if it werent for you all...

we aint where we were a year ago yesterday, but we have come a long way and will continue to work toward where we want to be a year from tomorrow....

words truly cant describe how blessed we have been.. thanks for the support and love you all

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

junk gone!!!

Finally, after two months of weather and  equipment delays,  the piles of junk have been hauled away,   the mud pit out front has been leveled, and the driveway has been fixed!  Hearing the machines coming up the driveway was music to my ears and seeing the piles disappear  helped my mental state. The smell of the dirt being moved to level where the house was, was HEAVENLY. Though I think we were both a little surprised a the smell of fire in the air once they started moving junk piles around.  So glad to have the yuck gone!

Sunday, January 11, 2015

work, winter and a door

I finally was able to begin working again this week.  It took much longer (3 weeks) than I had intended but I am finally there. Working from home is great but there are logistical hurdles in doing so that are not there in a drive-to-work environment. My equipment is also supplied by the company and due to its  untimely demise,  they had insurance and other issues to deal with as well as the many levels of authority to work through in getting the equipment back to me  Trying to get my system  synched with the company systems  then took forever due to the holidays  and crazy scheduling. That said, it is nice to  have a little bit of routine again,  and will be nicer once we have an income coming in.

Being that we are in our harshest part of winter, not much is going on. The many piles of junk and mud pits are still here and probably will remain here for the near future.  Keeping warm and not baking ourselves  seem to be what occupies most of the time. The tin can internet cafe is tough to get warm and keep warm  on a budget seems impossible while  the cabin once warm  gets too warm in a hurry but also cools down in a hurry. I am so glad we have a relatively short and mild version of mid winter. I could not imagine trying to keep  an rv warm in places where at or below zero is the norm for 5  months of the year.

Though not much can be done due to the weather, the manthing is slowly working on the dry storage area in what was the cistern. Funds are limited and we have to rebuild the roof on the room too so we are reusing wood that was salvaged from the house when we can. The old door that was on the cistern was too damaged to salvage so  he built a new one this week.  The only thing we had to purchase was all the hardware and though it was close to 60 bucks, was much cheaper than  buying a new door. It don't look too shabby and once the  roof system gets rebuild should look right nice.

Friday, January 2, 2015

inspiration from the garbage heap

The last few days have had me feeling a little frustrated n grumpy about things n stuff (since resolved). The other night I went down to fetch some green onions to go with dinner n feed the bunnies, I decided I wanted to take a picture of my wheat on the junk pile. It's greenery makes me feel happy. As I stood there to take a picture I noticed a book cover laying there on the heap. I had to take the picture...sometimes we just have to be reminded that this is "the way things work". Mind you, I don't ever recall seeing this book on the pile there before and I check on my wheat a couple time a week. Thinking about it,  I don't really recall ever seeing that book at all before.

Yesterday while out putzing about I ran across some more pages of a book with these words poking up through the mud n muck...