Monday, February 21, 2011

growing ginger in containers

Today I planted some ginger. Since it is something we use and it is supposed to be fairly easy to cultivate I thought it would make a nice addition to the homestead. Last time we were in town the ginger was already beginning to show growth nubs so I picked up a few rhizomes specifically for this purpose. Since I used this tutorial and because I really do not know much about the cultivation of ginger, here is the site I used.

I used a large tote for my container with about 7 inches of soil. I used 6 pieces of rhizome in all for the container and planted them a couple inches down and then covered with a few inches with mulch. Should be fun and interesting to see how well or not it grows.


  1. Oh, wow! Please, keep us updated, since I find it incredibly useful to know we can grow spices that would otherwise need to be imported! Now, if only coffee were doable ;)

  2. oh it is... it just takes a lotta coffee to supply most peoples habits.. :)

  3. Nice timing! I have my ginger ready for planting and I've never grown it before. Thanks for the link.

  4. I'm interested in seeing how this goes also! Maybe I could grow it inside...
    I have a friend who has successfully grown coffee for years in her house. She used big planters once they grew big enough and hauls them out on her porch when it's warm.

  5. Would love to know how this turned out for you! I planted the same last Summer and have been Wintering it indoors, since the first frost, here in CT, Zones 5-6. It was pretty indoors for a while, but has since died back all of it's foliage and stems. Will this come back? I keep watering it in hopes it will do so this Spring. Please feel free to post an update on our FB page Garden Gossip! Thanks! <3
