Friday, February 26, 2010

I am so cheap- seed envelopes

This morning I needed to  bundle up a seed trade package and didn't have any plastic bags that I normally use for them. Looking on my messy desk I saw some old envelopes  just laying there, I believe they were from Christmas cards that were sent to us. I have been meaning to copy the addresses  into  my address book since we received them but there they sat in a muddled heap with phone numbers, notes, lists and thoughts scribbled on them in  many colors of ink, marker and colored pencil.

I at this moment decided that I had my seed envelopes. All I needed to do was get to chopping and with a tiny bit of tape I could have several envelopes. I could also get my addresses, phone numbers, thoughts, comments and lists all put in the proper locations and my desk  would get cleaner too. Instead of kill two birds with one stone I was going to kill me four.

Unfortunately, my excitement of  making my own  seed envelopes over took my common sense and I just started chopping away,  turning things inside out and taping.  Satisfied with my  new,  upcycled seed packets  I then  placed all the seeds for the various packages I was preparing in  the envelopes, sealed them all up, labeled them  and put them in their various envelopes.   What I failed to  do was  write anything down  that was written on any of the envelopes so if any of you  get my daughters phone number  or  one of my to do lists  on the inside of your seed packet, please email  me the information.

Kidding, really. That was all a lie,  but I did make my own seed packets from junk mail envelopes this morning. One envelope with a small  see through window will make 7 small seed packets. I chopped them to the size I wanted then  just used some cheap scotch style tape for the  seams.  They sure ain't pretty but they worked great. Heck I bet if you had a glue stick  you could make them even cheaper than by using the tape and if you had a child around they would love to decorate them for you.

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