Thursday, July 1, 2010

cucumber sorbet

It is that time of year where many of us growing cucumbers find ourselves with more than we know what to do with. A couple years back I  decided to try a cucumber sorbet and much to my surprise it was quite a tasty summer treat as it combines salty with sweet and a bit of twang. It is very easy to make and is quite versatile with what you use to make the twang as well as what you use  as a sweetener.This is also a good way to use up those cukes that get a bit too large for other recipes. Some people like to infuse the simple syrup with mint or use it as a garnish. The cucumber  can also be  mixed with avocado  at a 1 to 1 ratio.
cucumber sorbet
4 large cucumber or about 2 lbs-- skinned, seeded and chopped
2 tbsp white vinegar --lime or lemon also work well--use the zest too if you like
2 tbsp water
4 tbsp sugar --honey also works
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp  fresh dill or 1/2 tsp dry dill
Boil together water, vinegar and sugar  until sugar is thoroughly dissolved. Put all ingredients into blender or food processor, blend well  and place in bowl to freeze. Before serving blend again til smooth and serve

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