Thursday, August 19, 2010

around the homestead-transitions

It is the time of the year that I begin transitioning from summer gardening to fall and winter gardening. This means catching up on all the chores that I neglected to do once it got too hot and the weeds started growing too fast. At least, that's my story, and I am sticking to it. Deciding what is going to go where and when is my biggest challenge with the changing of the seasons, and this year I am having more issues than ever in my decisions, I am trying to keep everything in a more central location. The greenhouse will be planted later on and I am not even thinking about pulling plants from in there yet, because it is too lush and pretty.

I was going to pull the tomatoes in the top garden today but I decided that was altogether too much work and  it could wait until another day. I was also going to work up a terrace or two but it was 85 degrees all day with 90-95% humidity. It is very hard to focus on winter when it feels like you are in a giant sauna so i decided to start in the areas around the greenhouse. Both sides of the Gh and the pacman bed were really overgrown and looking pretty sorry, so I went out and got to work on those and planted them with various greens in the drooling rain this afternoon. It was quite enjoyable, although it made me realize just how much work I have in front of me in the next couple weeks.
 I left the okra, eggplant  and chard as they are all still producing and growing well. The parsley is going to seed  and am hoping it will self sow in time  for the fall season.  I still need to weed eat around the beds and such but it looks much nicer now.
This side is all perennials but they were out of control  and full of weeds. In this bed there is rhubarb, echinachea, feverfew, chamomile  and violas. I just gave them all a really good haircut  and cleaned up the weeds.


  1. Dilli, is your greenhouse a conventional greenhouse with the metal bar hoops or one y'all cobbled together with things you had on hand or gathered? I would love to see more.

  2. Ours was a pvc kit at one time but it is now in its 3 or 4 life.. this version is wood ends and basic frame with the pvc and the two layers of plastic and it is supposed to have the squirrel cage fan in between the layers, but ours broke and we never fixed it.. here is a link to an entry on the gh
