Monday, July 18, 2011

outdoor kitchen renovations and eating pine bark

Ahhh, gotta love those jobs that seemingly start out small and simple and turn into a big and difficult one! Measa decided to roof the kitchen at the cabin with a more permanent covering than a tarp. Unfortunately, once he got to working on it, he found out that the old frame was in need of not just repair but complete replacement. Since manthing was off today they set about cutting logs to put up a new one. This means peeling the bark off a few trees they had cut down and it meant that we could finally try eating pine bark. Yes, I mean actual pine bark not some gourmet treat. Here is our little adventure of making our pine bark appetizers this evening. It was not half bad and is definitely edible if in need. Just remember to carve a tooth pick for the inevitable fibrous ones that get all tangled in your fangz!


  1. Maybe, a dip? I remember doing this many years ago, but definitely decided to keep it in the category of 'if it's necessary, I know it can be done.' Very important knowledge. Thanks for sharing.

  2. This is a very useful post, I was looking for this info. thanks for sharing the great ideas...
